Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday (July 18)

Because Brayden's birthday was in the middle of the week we decided to keep his actual birthday low key with a few gifts and a trip to the zoo. I still wanted him to know it was his birthday which is obviously something to celebrate so I decorated the living room for him and made him a special breakfast. 

After we cleaned up from that we headed to the zoo for lunch with the Belcher girls and Daddy met us there too! I still can't believe that 2 years ago our lives were changed in a matter of hours... hard, long, excruciating hours. But nothing in the world would make me change one thing about it. 
Here are some things Brayden likes as he turns 2...
-Animals (any and all)
-Going to the zoo
-Barney (the only show he will remotely pay attention to... even if it's just 5 min)
-Peanut butter
-The color blue
-He loves to "cheers" EVERYTHING (drinks, forks, napkins, shoes, pants, ANYTHING) 

Dear Brayden, 

My wish for you will always be to follow your dreams and do what makes your soul happy. You are turing into such a caring and smart little boy. You keep me and your dad on our toes every moment you're awake. You have such a contagious laugh and such a kind spirit. You teach me things every day about myself and how to love unconditionally. I love the little boy you are becoming and even through all the tantrums and timeouts at the end of the day there is nothing you could ever do to make me love you less. I pray this coming year brings just as much joy as your first. I'm honored everyday to be your mommy and am so excited to watch you become you. I love you to the moon and back sweet baby boy. 

For Always, 