Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Team SD Deacon Softball 2013

This summer we played on Jarrod's work softball team. With little practice and a lot of drinking we had a really fun time with everyone. We didn't' do too bad either with winning more than we lost I think we did a pretty good job. Jarrod and I were in Hawaii for the big weekend tournament and are sad we had to miss the end of the season. But nice work Team Deacon... until next year. 

Shout out to Meagan and Jordan for watching baby while we played! 

The few times Brayden joined us... he had so much fun and we couldn't keep him off the field. I think we might have a future baseball player on our hands.

The New Mr. & Mrs. Rust

This summer we had a few big weddings to attend... and the Rust wedding was one of them! They had a very beautiful wedding with such a pretty backdrop. Even though the wind was blowing like crazy, it still turned out amazing. Congratulations to the happy couple and we wish nothing but the best for you guys! 

Photo credit to their photographer... I stole this one off facebook (hope that's ok)!
But I just love this picture of them! 

Electric Run NEON Team Fogle

This year we did the electric run which happens after the sun goes down and you get all dressed up with glow sticks and neon lights and hit the track. There are crazy people and lots of fun music, beer and a big party after. Our friend Kyle actually got us to sign up... but due to unforeseen events he couldn't make it... so it was just us (thanks Kyle haha). Brayden had so much fun and was such a trooper he didn't even fall asleep until mile 3... we had a blast and will do it again next year for sure. It was a really fun event and you can check it out at their website HERE! Maybe next year we can get a big group to go. 

6 Years Strong

Our anniversary is always second to Brayden's birthday so we celebrate when we can. This year to celebrate our 6 years of mostly wedded bliss we had a really nice lunch with a view at Divots in Hood River and then grabbed some Starbucks and hung out at the river for a little while. It's rare we get away without our little sidekick B, but when we do we always enjoy ourselves and have so much fun. 

Here's to another year of fun, adventures, and hopefully many more up's than down's! Our relationship and love grows more and more each year and I love the place we are at and am excited for the places we will go. I love you husband! 

Ps. We also kept it low key because we were headed to Hawaii in just a few weeks after our anniversary! (we can celebrate there too) hehe

Ahoy... My BIG 2 year old!

This was the day of the big birthday party! We decided to have his birthday at my parents house this year because our summer was so crazy and a lot of our friends live in Hood River so we thought it would be more convenient for everyone. Sticking with our nautical theme we decided to make a huge slip-n-slide. The kids had so much fun, but I'm pretty sure the boys (adult boys) had the most fun. Nothing beats lots of food, candy, cake, snow cones and good friends. Thank you to all of those who made this a special day for Brayden and our family! You only turn two once... 

Also, a big shout out to my good friend Lindsey who made the trip all the way from Portland to celebrate with us!