Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Praying for Boston... And the World

With all the recent negative events happening in the world, I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge all the good in the world. Here is to all the people who spend their whole lives doing good for other people, being passionate about positive things and turning negative events into something good for the world and mankind. Here's to focusing on the people who are fighting to keep America free and the citizens in it safe, here's to all the people who stand up to the negative and keep their eye on the prize.

When you're standing at the gates of Heaven... will God question your actions during life? I pray not only for Boston, but for every person in this world... the good and the bad.

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who caresfor you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering,or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then. Put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: "The Lord is mystrength and my shield. My heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me,
and I in Him."

St. Francis de Sales