Monday, January 14, 2013

27th Birthday Shenanigans

Oh hello BIG 27! What a fun and exciting birthday week it has been. Here is rundown of this last week in action...

Sunday Family Dinner:
We have Sunday Family dinner every sunday, but this past Sunday we celebrated mine and Michelle's birthday! Michelle and I are just one day apart when it comes to birthday's and in the past we have celebrated in some good fashions... but since we have expanded our family to 3, birthdays are a little more low key then they used to be for the Fogle Family :) I got beautiful flowers and wine! It was such a fun Sunday family dinner!

Belcher girls visit & First trip to the Portland Children's Museum:
On Monday Anna and the girl decided to come in and celebrate my birthday a little early. We had fun chatting and watching the kids play and on Tuesday we went to the Portland Children' Museum for the first time. Brayden's Grandma and Grandpa Fogle got us a year membership for Christmas, so we decided to put it to good use. The kids loved it and it is most definitely our go-to place on the cold rainy days! 

Wednesday Birthday Day:
My actual birthday was actually quite relaxing. Brayden and I hung around the house and relaxed and that night we headed out to dinner with Meagan and Jordan. Jarrod and Brayden bought me BEAUTIFUL flowers and cards along with a promise of a "Mommy/Wife Day" at the spa! I'm one lucky lady and LOVE my boys sooo much! We went to Benihana's for dinner, which is one of my favorites and it's so so so yummy!

Mom and Dad's BIG night out: 
As I said earlier, my good friend Michelle's birthday is one day after mine and she was having a birthday party downtown on Friday night. Jarrod and I talked it over and Meagan and Jordan really wanted to babysit, so we took advantage and went out. Now, if you know Jarrod and I at all... you know we MAYBE go out twice a year. A bunch of our girlfriends were driving in from Hood River to surprise Michelle, so what better time?! The night turned out super fun and it was good to let loose and have a good time. We owe a BIG THANK YOU to the amazing Aunt Meagan and Uncle Jordan for watching our little guy!

Saturday Football and 2nd trip to PCM (Portland Children's Museum):
First off, a big thank you to Brayden for letting his mom and dad sleep in until 9:00am! After a fun night out it was such a great birthday present :) Anyway, Saturday was on it's way to a relaxing do-nothing kind of day, but that quickly changed when we got up decided to show Jarrod the Children's Museum and then we threw an impromptu football watching party. The Belcher's headed BACK in and we had some friends come to hang out. It was a fun day (even though Jarrod's all time favorite team lost - The Bronco's) sad. But it was a good time with yummy food and great company! 

Sunday Fun-day
Yesterday my mom, sister and step-dad came in to pick up some furniture we are getting rid of and to take me out to a birthday lunch and do a little shopping. We went to the very delicious Cheesecake Factory which included birthday songs and all... We also did a little shopping and a lot of chitchatting Thanks mom!

What an AMAZING birthday week. I feel so blessed to have such great family and friends in my life. I'm excited to see what 27 brings and am looking forward to making it a great one!