Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Car Wash

B had a little backyard car wash! Accompanied by the best outfit (boxers and cowboy boots) I would pay $5 to get my car washed from this cutie :)

Bonfire Fun

One thing we love about Hood River and our friends are the fun, impromptu adventures that are always happening. Jarrod, B and I had made a quick trip in to town to drop off a load of our stuff (exciting moving post to come) and we stayed a little later because our friends were having a bonfire. Who can pass up some good company and... S'MORES?! Not us! The fire was REALLY REALLY hot (hence why Kyle had to put on his hood to roast his marshmallow). We are excited for our Hood River adventures to start up for good during the summer! 

Walking Park

This day we needed out of the craziness of our house so we decided to take a little adventure at the walking park! I think Brayden would live outside if I let him. He sure keeps me on my toes and I sure have so much fun trying to keep up with him. Here is peak at our super fun day... 

Football & Birthday Cake

This year not only was Jarrod's birthday on St. Patrick's day, but it was also the first arena football game of the season! Jarrod had bought season tickets for the family for the new arena football team the Portland Thunder and we were excited to celebrate Jarrod's last year in his twenties! Although the team lost, we still had fun and Brayden got to stay up WAY past his bedtime. We had Jarrod's favorite DQ ice cream cake and B and I got Jarrod some headphones he's been wanting. I hope Jarrod's last year in his twenties is nothing short of amazing! We love you daddy! 


Ohhhh BOY

Life can get interesting with a boy... Here's the latest. We like to got potty (Number one only... thank goodness) wherever we are, because going to the bathroom is just too much work... Dear Lord, I hope this isn't a glimpse into my future :) But for some reason, I think this is just the beginning!

A Future Fogle Wedding!

We are so excited that Jordan and Meagan are finally getting married! They are so perfect for each other and we couldn't ask for a better aunt and uncle for Brayden! Jarrod, Brayden and I get to be a part of their special day in September and we couldn't be more honored! We love you guys and can't wait to see you two officially become Mr. & Mrs.!

How creative and cute is this... soooo excited!

Multnomah Falls

Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live where I do. We probably drive by Multnomah Falls 75 times per year, but we rarely stop and enjoy it. Brayden loves looking at it when we drive by and this day we decided to hang out for a while. Unfortunetly the bridge was closed due to a rock that fell, but we will just have to go back again when it's open! I really want to try and make more of an effort to enjoy our home and all it's fun adventures! Here are a few shots of the day! 

Fun Fact : Jarrod was a park ranger for Multnomah Falls all during college! He also got to dress up as Smokey the Bear (haha) 

Bath Time for 3!

These 3 crazies are just that... CrAzY! I couldn't help but snap a few pictures mostly for the future... I can't wait to show these gems at their high school graduation :) Is it bad that when I take these pictures that's my first thought?! 

Happy Hour Winner

Now most of you know Jarrod wins EVERYTHING! From movie tickets to beach trips and from casino vacations to concert tickets... so it was no surprise at all when we decided to meet for happy hour that he won the raffle (that had over 100 people in it). Apparently at the pub if you order a certain kind of beer during their happy hour you get put into a drawing... and the lucky guy won! His prize?... a growler full of his favorite kind of beer! I tell this guy all the time to buy a lottery ticket... HE could be our BIG ticket :) 

Lunch Date With Aunt Mimi

Brayden LOVES his aunt Mimi and he also loves feeding the ducks! So when we had lunch with our dear friend Michelle at the Nike Campus, B was in seventh-heaven! We love spending time with this crazy-busy, fun-loving, amazing girl! Wish we still lived this close so we could do this more often!