Monday, December 31, 2012

Golf Pro in training

Friday night we went out to dinner with both of Jarrod's brothers and after we got done the boys wanted to hit up the local sports store and there we discovered Brayden's passion... GOLF. Just kidding, but he sure loved playing with the balls and clubs and with the family history Brayden has on the Ogawa side of the family... I think he'll be a natural. Only time will tell!

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Christmas was definitely a special one this year. My brother and his family hadn't been home for Christmas or even back to Hood River since my wedding over 5 years ago! It was so much fun having all the boys together and it was nice to catch up and relax with the WHOLE family. Here are some my favorite moments from Christmas week....

-Sledding at Little John's 
-Hanging out across the river with the Lewis family
-Aunt Ally, Auntie M, and Aunt Nana gift exchange with the girls & Brayden
-Christmas Eve (with The Lewis' and later with the Fogle's)
-Christmas Morning at Mom's (Rachel's new CAR!)
-Christmas morning winter wonderland! 

U.G.L.Y. sweater P.A.R.T.Y.

What is Christmas without an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party? Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Fogle and Uncle Jeremy for watching Brayden while so we cold hang out with our friends and enjoy some fun in a VERY UGLY way!

Best Santa Visit EVER!

I know every parent thinks they have the cutest kid in the world, but every time I look at this little boy he just gets cuter and cuter! Jarrod and I really wanted to take Brayden to see Santa this year. We talk about him all the time and every time you ask him what Santa says he promptly replies with "HoHoHo" in the cutest voice. After the initial meeting of the Big Jolly guy on the left he really warmed up on the right. It was such a cute moment and Brayden got to spend a lot of time with him which was fun for him too.

1st and 2nd Christmas (boy do they grow up FAST)

Portland International Raceway

Another fun Christmas adventure we had this year was driving through the amazing lights at PIR. Meagan and Jordan came with us and we enjoyed the sights and sounds of Christmas. We love spending all the time we can with them and Brayden LOVES his Aunt Megan and Uncle Jordan!


For Christmas this year I got Jarrod tickets to the Blazer vs. Spurs game. Our good friends Anna and Jeremy came with us too. Here is how the night went... When we got into the game a guy stopped Jarrod (picture below) I thought he was trying to sell us something, but come to find out he was looking for people to participate in one of those timeout games (you know the ones to make the crowd stay involved during timeouts) so with a little convincing I talked Jarrod into doing it. After sprinting down the court, putting on extremely tight/oldschool basketball uniforms, missing a lay up and another attempted shot he FINALLY put in his ball first and WON us a trip to the beach! It was a very fun and eventful night and a game we won't soon forget! Good company and a free trip, doesn't get much better then that. Oh yea... BLAZERS WON TOO!