Friday, August 8, 2014

Lila's Tutu Trot

Lila May is a little girl in Hood River who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. She's about the same age as Brayden and it breaks my heart. Being from such a small town, it's amazing to see how a whole community pulls together for something greater than ourselves. On this day we did a 5k run and we all wore tutu's in her honer (she's a big dancer) she's currently in New York receiving treatments. They raised over 20k this day and we are so thankful we could contribute to her and her family. To learn more about Lila and to follow her story... head on over to her Facebook page HERE our thoughts and prayers are with this sweet little girl and her whole family. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Bella Turns 5!

I know this one is REALLY late, but I can't believe this little nugget turned 5! I really can't believe it has been 5 years since I watched her in the delivery room take her first breath and see the world for the very first time. This is Brayden's BFF and one of the sweetest souls. Can't wait to see her start school this year and how she takes on this crazy world. Love you Bug!

The Start of a Country Boy

With summer time fast approaching it was garden time at the Belcher's house. Being back in the country we always find ourselves outside, in the mud and grass... getting dirty and of course going potty outside! Brayden is turning into quite the little country boy, between the chickens and the mud I think he is adapting well away from his city life :) 

Auntie Mal is HERE!

We always love when this one comes to town... Brayden loves seeing his auntie Mal with lunch dates and ice cream we are always excited to see her face. She was in town to work on her upcoming wedding and made a few minutes to hang out! Hopefully she will be back for good in the near future (wink-wink).

Our Little Helpers

Had a little painting party a while back. One would think that these little helpers would make a quick job of it... lets just say there was a lot more paint on them and the rocks below than the actual fence, but they had a blast... and I had a blast watching!

Good Bye to Our Very First Home

I still can't believe that we have really sold our very first "starter" home. I REALLY can't believe that we have lived in it for over 8 (EIGHT) years! Jarrod and I have made so many memories in this little house. From getting married, to graduating college to brining our first born son home and everything (and I mean everything) in between. We have had so many laughs and so many tears... triumphs and tribulations. But we have done it all in this little gem. I'm sad to say good bye to this house, but so excited to see where life takes us. We are headed back to our roots and maybe, just maybe we will make it our home. Thank you little house on 7374 NE Nelly St. I couldn't have asked for a better first house to make so many memories in.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Car Wash

B had a little backyard car wash! Accompanied by the best outfit (boxers and cowboy boots) I would pay $5 to get my car washed from this cutie :)